Wednesday, 11 September 2013

I Heart Faces September Photo Challenge | Shadows

This photo was submitted to the I Heart Faces photo challenge –
 Photo Challenge Submission

So, I am entering a photo in the judged challenge at I Heart Faces and this month and the theme is Shadows...

So here is a portrait of moi....trying to use shadows. I wanted to create a background image using shadows and then have me in the foreground. This sounds easy but gosh it was a lot of work trying to figure out light placement.

Good luck to everyone participating in the contest :)

Saturday, 31 August 2013

I Heart Faces August ABC Photo Challenge | M

So I stumbled upon a great website a while back called I Heart Faces. There is all sorts of great information on this site for photographers of all levels!

What I really like about it is that they host these great Judged and just for Fun photo challenges monthly. In August I participated in the "August ABC - Photo Challenge" which is Just for Fun. The letter for August was "M" so I submitted a pic of my Boston (my dog Rusko) who was covered in Mud after a long walk in Marlborough Forest.

My Mutt Rusko covered in Mud!

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Pup and Pal Shoot

My sister recently bought a Boxer puppy (Dex) and wanted to get some pics done with him. So she trekked up to my place and we had a fun filled afternoon shooting in my yard and at the Arnprior beach. The day turned out beautifully, not to hot, nice and sunny, and who doesn't enjoy being at the beach!

By the end of the shoot, us ladies and poor old Dex were exhausted!!

Here are a couple pics from the day:

For more picture visit my Facebook page Brittany Fish Photography

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Birthday Surprise

So today was my Birthday - YaY a big 2 8!

Birthdays have been pretty low key since I am no loger a kid, so I was not expecting anything from anyone.

But to my surprise my Dad made me a newborn shoot set up!! You know the contraption that holds your back drop and your beanbag chair sits in the middle.

I was so excited! it looks super great and is going to come in handy for getting those baby poses.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

My First Shoot AHHHHHH!

WAKE UP at 6:00 am, just like any other day, get dressed, have breakfast, and get on our way. We had to be at the shoot location for 9:00 am. Since I was doing this shoot for Family my Boyfriend and fur babies came with me for support :)

Over all it went well and I got some great pictures. But gosh it is a lot more work then you might think!!! Since I am just starting out I am not fully equipped with tones of props or a proper backdrop holder but I guess it will all come in time.

Here are a few pics from the Shoot, hope you enjoy!

To see more pics please stop by my Facebook page Brittany Fish Photography and be sure to like it :)

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Great Finds - Long weekend yard sales

So my day started out like I had planned, gardening, yard work and relaxation (ahhhh so in need of the long weekend).

But before I could get to the yard work by boyfriend and my two fur babies got out of bed, this generally would not make a difference in what I was doing but Matt (my boyfriend) wanted to take the babes to the baseball diamond for a run. So we packed up the pups (Rusko and Sofi) and headed into town to the ball park.

My Fur babies
 Top: Rusko my  big boy
Bottom: Sofi my little girl

Once Rusko and Sofi were pooped, Matt decided he wanted to go into town and see if there were any yard sales. Neither of us wanted anything or needed anything, we were just going out for something to do.

To my surprise I found two good pieces for props. One a basket and the other a little cradle (it is still a work in progress...needs a paint job).

Yard sales are a great way to get some great stuff at a fraction of the cost.  So I guess it was a good thing that Matt dragged me away from my planned out day to do something spontaneous, because I found some treasures that I can put to use. Maybe I will try them out at my upcoming shoot :)

Well back to that gardening and yard work, its not going to do itself....or maybe I will just relax with a cup of coffee and the great view!

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

So excited...First Shoot!!!!

Ok so late last night I found out that I have booked my very first client...WOW!
Although it is extended family I am super excited about this. I was very distracted at work today, I even popped on a few sites like
Pinterest to gather some ideas during work hours...ooops did I just say that. Then after work I decided to stop in at the fabric store to pick up a few pieces for the shoot. 

This would seem ok to most people but unfortunately I have to be at my boyfriend's work to pick him up by 5 and I don't get off work until 4 and I have to go from downtown to the West End, this does not leave a lot of time to drive to the store, look around at all of the fabric available and pick pieces that will work, but being as excited as I was... am I allowed to say that I did not really care if I was a little late? Which I was by 15 minutes......

So I ended up finding some really great pieces. Since the couple had a little boy I picked some great neutral tones, I know some of you might say 'how boring' but I wanted to keep it really simple for this first shoot and although the fabrics are neutral, they do have texture. I did not want to distract from the little man with any weird prints or colours, I can experiment more later on when I have a little more experience.

So here are the colours and fabrics I chose: